How to Use a website Analysis Tool


September 6, 2013 by SEO SAILOR

Your website analysis tool is perhaps the most important tool that you have in your toolbox, when it comes to making money online. Why? Because everything starts with keyword research and the better your keyword research tool is, the better your keyword research will be.

If you plan on making money online, then you need 2 things…

1. Something to sell and a website to sell it on

2. Targeted traffic to that website

If you are missing either one of these components, then you don’t have a shot at making money online. I’m going to assume that if you are reading this article, you already have the first one taken care of, so I’m going to focus on number 2.

There are tons of ways to get traffic and honestly it doesn’t matter which one you choose to start with. Almost all of them start with keyword research. Whether it’s article marketing, SEO marketing, blogging, Pay Per Click, or any of the others; the goal is to put yourself in front of people who are looking for what you have to offer.

You do this by targeting the appropriate keywords. Use your keyword analysis tool to determine how profitable a certain keyword is. Some people use the term keyword selector tool; because it helps you select your keywords.

So how do you use your website analysis tool to find profitable keywords?

Because there is so many keyword analysis tools available, there is no blanket statements. Many of them offer options that others do not. Some are free, and some cost money. Here is a good rule of thumb to keep in mind for whichever one you are using.

The higher the search volume and the lower number of competing sites, the more profitable the keyword.

The purpose of a keyword analysis tool is to show you how many times per day that specific keyword is being searched for. Obviously, the more people that search for it, the more traffic you can expect.

The second important role of a good website analysis tool is to show you how many other sites are competing for that specific keyword. This will give you an idea of how hard it will be to rank for this keyword.

The object is to find a keyword with a high number of monthly searches and not very many competing sites. Once you find these types of keywords, it’s time to start creating content to get ranked on page one.

One thought on “How to Use a website Analysis Tool

  1. I used to be able to find good information from your articles.

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